Covid-19 Stories
We are living in historic times and the Weston History & Culture Center is preserving items and stories on COVID-19's impact on Weston. The historical society is collecting stories, photos, web articles, and other items from our community to inform future generations on how our town survived the pandemic. The project is in keeping with the society's mission which is to collect and preserve Weston's history.
The stories and photos submitted by the Weston community will be preserved in the Society's archives. Weston businesses, families, teachers, students, non-profit organizations, and first responders are encouraged to submit their unique story on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them.
Residents and those interested in sharing their experiences and images can complete the submission - the form can accept attached documents, PDFs and images. Please read the submission guidelines. When taking photos, the Society asks that you do so following CDC social distancing rules.
Click here for submission form.
If you have any questions, please contact executive director, Samantha Kulish-Fargione, at archive@westoncthistory.org. The Weston History & Culture Center thanks the citizens of Weston in advance for helping to keep Weston history alive.