SOLD OUT - The Great African Dance ExchangeDance Workshop for Children & FamiliesSunday, March 2, 20252:00pm
Destination Georgetown: Immigration & the Mill: A Look at SwedetownFebruary 19, 2025 at 7pmAt Granite Church in Georgetown
Jewelry Appraisal & ConsignmentAppointments RequiredTuesday, February 11, 202510am - 4pm
Lessons in Resilience The Six Triple EightSunday, February 2, 2025 at 2:00pm At Weston History & Culture Center & Zoom
Christmas by Candlelight1940s Christmas at the Coley HouseSunday, December 22, 2024Tours at 6pm & 7:30pm
Christmas by Candlelight1940s Christmas at the Coley HouseSaturday, December 21, 2024Tours at 6pm (SOLD OUT) & 7:30pm
Christmas by Candlelight1940s Christmas at the Coley HouseFriday December 20, 20246pm Tour SOLD OUT/ 7:30pm Only 4 tickets at door
SOLD OUT Meet Santa & Mrs. ClausHoliday PhotosSunday, December 8, 2024
Weston Stories & Local LoreStorytelling Event for TellabrationSunday, November 17, 20242:00pm
American Girl Fan NightAuthor Chat - Dolls of Our LivesWednesday, November 13, 20247:00pm
CT Military Heroes The Battle of Iwo JimaSunday, November 10, 20242:00pm
Weston Holiday Card SaleSnowfall in Weston CenterBox of 10 CardsOrder by November 17, 2024
Weston Holiday Card SaleThe Old Sign Post in WinterBox of 10 CardsOrder by November 17, 2024
Weston Holiday Card SaleTwilight in WestonBox of 10 CardsOrder by November 17, 2024
Weston Holiday Card SaleWinter Evening in Weston Onion BarnBox of 10 CardsOrder by November 17, 2024
Holiday Gift Tag SaleThree Styles to Choose FromPack of 12Order by November 17, 2024
Holiday Card SaleThree Styles to Choose FromBox of 10 CardsOrder by November 17, 2024
Spooky-Silly Sing-A-LongNappy's Shadow Puppet ShowSaturday, October 5, 20243:00pm
Home & Garden Tour of thePeter Thorp HouseSALES HAVE ENDEDSunday, September 29 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Sunday Open Hours - Coley House &Weston What Lies Beneath09/22, 10/6, 10/20, 10/27, 11/10, 11/17 & 11/241pm - 4pm
Faster Things - Allman Bro. Tribute BandMusic at the BarnSunday, September 8, 20245:30pm - 7pm
A Home's Legacy: Weston & James MeltonA Talk with Margo Melton Nutt & Maryclare RoosThursday, August 15, 20247:00pm
Parker's Tangent ConcertMusic at the BarnSunday, July 28, 20245:30pm - 7pm
Fuzz ConcertMusic at the BarnNew Date: Sunday, July 21, 20245:30pm - 7pm
Weston Whist Card Game NightWednesday, July 17, 20247pm - 8:30pm
Doyle Appraisal & Consignment DayReservations RequiredMonday, July 15, 2024By Appointment Only
Moss in ConcertMusic at the BarnSunday, July 14, 20245:30pm - 7pm
July Charity of the Month ContestVote for Weston History & Culture CenterJuly 1 - July 31Vote Once A Day!
Logical PretzelMusic at the BarnSunday, June 9, 20245:30pm - 7pm
Summer Sundays atWeston History & Culture CenterJune, July, August & early September1pm - 4pm
Opening Weekend of Weston...What Lies BeneathSat. May 18 & Sun. May 19, 20241pm - 4pm
Exploring the Coley CemeteryJane's Walk ConnecticutSaturday, May 4, 20241:00pm
Tequila & Mezcal TastingFundraiser for WHCCSaturday, April 27, 20247pm - 10pm
Stand Up to Antisemitism and HateWhat It Is and What We Can Do About It TogetherWednesday, April 3, 20246:30pm at Weston Public Library
Weston Whist Card PartyRetro Game NightWednesday, March 27, 20246:30pm - 8pm
Midcentury Modern Bus Tour with HistourySunday, March 10, 20241:00pm
Take Flight with Bessie ColemanFamily Fun Performance with Tammy DeneaseSaturday, March 2, 20243:00pm
Pencil Drawing WorkshopTaught by artist Cindy WagnerSaturday, February 24, 20242:00pm
Cocktails with the CuratorEnjoy Art with Your SweetheartThursday, February 15, 20246:30pm
Open Hours - Family Fun, History & ArtColey House & Weston IllustratedFebruary & March Thursdays & Sundays 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedSunday, February 11, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedThursday, February 8, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedSunday, February 4, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedThursday, February 1, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedSunday, January 28, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedThursday, January 25, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedSunday, January 21, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedThursday, January 18, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Visit the Weston History & Culture CenterColey House & Weston IllustratedSunday, January 14, 2024Anytime between 1pm - 4pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours 1940s ChristmasSaturday, January 6, 2024Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasThursday, January 4, 2024Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours 1940s ChristmasThursday, December 21, 2023Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasSunday, December 17, 2023Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasSaturday, December 16, 2023Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasSunday, December 10, 2023Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasSaturday, December 9, 2023Tours: 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Connecticut Military Heroes of Pearl HarborAuthor Talk with Jeffrey DeWittThursday, December 7, 20231:00pm at Weston History & Culture Center
Christmas at the Coley House Tours1940s ChristmasThursday, December 7, 2023Tours: 2pm & 3pm
Meet Santa & Mrs. ClausHoliday PhotosSat. Dec. 2 - Availability, Sun. Dec. 3 - SOLD OUT12:00pm - 4:00pm
Life in the Eastern WoodlandsNative American Living History EventSunday, November 19, 20232:00pm
Cocktail with the CuratorThursday Night ProgramThursday, November 16, 20236:30pm
Cocktail with the CuratorWednesday Night ProgramWednesday, November 15, 20236:30pm
SOLD OUT! Cardboard Explosion Puppet Show THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT!Sunday, November 5, 20233:00pm
THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT Exploring WatercolorPainting WorkshopSaturday, November 4, 20233:00pm
CANCELED: Coley Cemetery TourCANCELEDSunday, October 29, 20231:00pm
Spooky, Slithery and Silly TalesHalloween StorytellingSunday, October 15, 20233:00pm
The Legend of Sleepy HollowPerformanceFriday, October 13, 20237:30pm
An American Town Goes to WarAuthor Talk with Tony PaviaSaturday, September 30, 20233:00pm at Weston History & Culture Center
Stand Up For JusticeJapanese American Concentration CampsSaturday, September 23, 20233:00pm at Weston Public Library
Old School RevueMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertNew Date: Wed. September 205:30pm - 7:00pm
Weston Illustrated Art CampFREE Program for KidsWednesday, August 23, 202310am - 11:30am
1940s Fun & Games Kids CampFREE Program for KidsThursday, August 17, 202310am - 11:30am
Otis and the HurricanesMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, July 23, 20235:30pm - 7:00pm
Chris CooganMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, July 9, 20235:30pm - 7:00pm
Weston IllustratedPenned, Painted and SculptedOn View: July 9, 2023 - March 24, 2024Sundays & Thursdays 1pm - 4pm
CT Summer at the Museum 2023Free Admission for CT Children & 1 AdultJuly 6 - August 31, 2023Sundays & Thursdays 1pm - 4pm & By Appointment
PJ PacificoMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, June 25, 20235:30pm - 7:00pm
Logical PretzelMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, June 4, 20235:00pm - 7:00pm
The Ivy HeroAuthor Talk with Dan BursteinSunday, May 21, 20233:00pm
Coley Cemetery TourAdvanced Tickets Required - SOLD OUTSunday, May 21, 20231:00pm
Whiskey TastingFundraiserSaturday, April 29, 20237pm - 10pm
Rise Up, Sisters!Traveling ExhibitSundays & Thursdays April 16 - May 71pm - 4pm
Coley HouseGuided ToursSundays & Thursdays Tours at 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
CT in Motion: TransportationClimate Change and Big HistoryMarch, 26, 20234:30pm-5:30pm
CT Women Changing DemocracyIn Person Lecture at Weston Public LibraryWednesday, March 15, 20237:00pm
CT's Black, Indigenous and Women of ColorVirtual LectureTuesday, February 28, 20237:00pm via Zoom
Egypt's Golden CoupleAuthor Talk & Book SigningFebruary 25, 20233:00pm
Fairfield County Giving DaySupport the Weston Historical SocietyThursday, February 23, 2023All Day
Coley House & Exhibit Open HoursGuided Tours of the Coley HouseSundays & Thursdays Jan. 22, 2023 - March 26, 20231pm - 4pm
Meet SantaPhotos with SantaDecember 11, 20221pm - 4pm - Reservations Required
Christams at the Coley HouseA 1940's ChristmasNov 20, Dec 1, 4, 8, 15, 18, 22Tours at 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
My Dearest Darling: Letters of Love in WartimeAuthor Talk & Book SigningSunday, November 13, 20222:00pm
CANCELED - Jack O'Lantern StrollSunday, October 23, 20222pm - 5pm
Rago Jewelry Appraisal DayReservations RequiredWednesday, October 12, 202210am - 4pm - Reservations Required
Opening DayGuided Tours of the Coley HouseSunday, October 2, 20221:00pm - 4:00pm
Swinging Jazz Show with Vince GirodanoBUY TICKETS AT THE DOOR. TICKETS AVAILABLESaturday, September 17, 20222:00pm - 6:00pm
Exhibit Opening Day - Curious Case of 11:00 RoadHow Weston Got Its Place NamesSunday, September 11, 20221:00pm - 4:00pm
Bar Car BandMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, August 7, 20225:30pm - 7:00pm
Old School RevueMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, July 24, 20225:30pm - 7:00pm
Otis and the HurricanesMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, June 26, 20225:30pm - 7:00pm
Logical PretzelMusic at the Barn Outdoor ConcertSunday, June 5, 20225:30pm - 7:00pm
SOLD OUT! Cocktail Tasting FundrasierThe Cocktail Party as Post War SalonSaturday, April 30, 20226:00pm - 9:00pm
The History of the James Melton MuseumVirtual LectureWednesday, April 27, 20227:00pm via Zoom
Afternoon of a Faun: Tanaquil Le ClercqDocumentary ScreeningSaturday, April 2, 20223:00pm at Weston Public Library
The Triumph of Tanaquil Le ClercqAuthor Talk and Book SigningSaturday, March 26, 20223:00pm at Weston Public Library
Event FULL!!Jewelry Appraisal + Consignment Event with RagoTuesday, March 8, 202210:00am - 5:00pm - Appointment Required
CT's African American HeroinesVirtual LectureWednesday, February 23, 20227:00pm via Zoom
SOLD OUT Jewelry Appraisal + Consignment Event with RagoTuesday, February 15, 2022NO MORE APPOINTMENTS WILL BE TAKEN
Meet SantaSOLD OUT!Sunday, December 5, 202112:00pm - 3:00pm
SOLD OUT! Deconstructing Fashion in the 1920'sIn Person Lecture - Limited SeatingWednesday, December 1, 20217:00pm
Jack O'Lantern StrollTickets Available at the DoorSunday, October 24, 20212:00pm - 5:00pm
James Daugherty: Master of Line, Color, and WordsIn Person Lecture - Limited SeatingWednesday, October 6, 20217:00pm
Carve a Pumpkin & Donate ItTo the Jack O'Lantern StrollRegistration exteded to October 23rd.
Ancient Egypt and the Roaring 1920sFrom Archaeology to Flapper FashionWednesday, September 29, 20217:00pm
Roaring 20s Lawn PartyThe Vince Giordano Traditional Jazz EnsembleSaturday, September 25, 20212:00pm - 6:00pm
Silent Film MatineeFamily Movie Afternoon Sunday, September 19, 20212:00pm - 3:00pm
Gatsby in ConnecticutLectureWednesday, September 15, 20217:00pm
Chris CooganMusic at the Barn - 2021Sunday, September 12, 20215:30pm - 7:00pm
PJ PacificoMusic at the Barn - 2021Sunday, August 29, 20215:30pm - 7:00pm
Accidental BreakdownMusic at the Barn - 2021Sunday, August 15, 20215:30pm - 7:00pm
Otis & the HurricanesMusic at the Barn - 2021Sunday, July 18, 20215:30pm - 7:00pm
Logical PretzelMusic at the Barn - 2021Sunday, June 20, 20215:30pm - 7:00pm
Ticket Sales Have Ended I've Got a Little TwistJune 5 - June 7, 2021Link goes live at 8pm on June 5th
The Work Must Be Done Virtual LectureWomen of Color & the Right to VoteMonday, March 22, 20216:30pm
Taverns, Temperance, Teetotalers & Tommy GunsThe History of Prohibition - Virtual LectureWednesday, March 10, 20216:30pm
Jewelry Appraisal + Consignment Event with RagoBenefit for Weston Historical SocietyTuesday, March 9, 202110am - 4pm - Appointment Only
African Americans & the Great MigrationVirtual LectureWednesday, February 24, 20216:30pm
Connecticut's Role in World War IVirtual LectureWednesday, January 27, 20216:30pm
Historic Coley HomesteadOutdoor Guided ToursSaturday, November 21, 202011am, 1pm & 2pm
Historic Coley HomesteadOutdoor Guided ToursSaturday, October 17, 202010am, 11:30am, 1pm & 2:30pm
Whaleboat Wars on Long Island SoundAmerican Rev.- Virtual LectureWednesday, October 14, 20206:30pm
Stories of Connecticut ArchitectureVirtual LectureWednesday, September 16, 20207:30pm
New England's Stone WallsVirtual LectureAugust 12, 20206:30pm
Honeybees + HoneyVirtual LectureWednesday, July 22, 20206:30pm
Rago Jewelry ValuationSunday, March 8, 2020 11:00am – 4:00pm
Three Women Theatrical PerformanceJanuary 31, 20207:00 PM
Alice DeLemar LectureThe Missing ManuscriptJanuary 22, 20207:00 PM
Santa Visit 2019Photos with SantaDecember 8, 20191:00 - 3:00 PM
Weston’s ConservationLegacy and FutureOctober 16, 20197:00pm
WestonstockMusic FestivalSeptember 14, 20192:00 - 8:00 PM
Otis and the HurricanesMusic at the Barn 2019August 18, 20195:30pm - 7:00pm
Chris CooganMusic at the Barn 2019July 14, 20195:30pm - 7:00pm
Music at the Barn 2019Logical PretzelJune 23, 20195:30pm - 7:00pm
PJ PacificoMusic at the Barn 2019June 2, 20195:30pm - 7:00pm
Landmark HomesHouse Tour 2019June 2, 201912:30pm - 4:00pm
2019 Annual Spirit TastingBourbonApril 6, 20197:00pm - 10:00pm
Santa Visit 2018December 9, 20182:00pm - 4:00pm
The Lost Negatives of Rock and RollAn Evening with Michael FriedmanSunday, October 21st 20184-6 pm
Westonstock2018 Music FestivalSaturday, September 15, 20182:00pm - 8:00pm
Vietnam VeteransPanel DiscussionWednesday, May 30, 20187:30pm
The Way Back HomeVietnam & Life in the 60's LectureWednesday, May 23, 20187:30pm
1968: The Year That Changed A Nation- with Jean BennettWednesday May 167:30pm
All Star Panel DiscussionMusic of the 60sSaturday, May 5, 20187:30pm - 10:30pm
Spirit Tasting 2018RumSaturday, April 21, 20187:30pm – 10:00pm
Santa Visit 2017Photos with SantaSunday, December 17, 20172:00pm – 4:00pm
Civil War Encampment2017Saturday, October 21, 201710:00am – 3:00pm
Oktoberfest2017September 24, 20171:00pm – 5:00pm
Chris CooganMusic at the Barn 2017Sunday, August 27, 20175:30pm – 7:00pm
P.J. PacificoMusic at the Barn 2017Sunday, July 23, 20175:30pm – 7:00pm
Otis and the HurricanesMusic at the Barn 2017Sunday, June 25, 20175:30pm – 7:00pm
Old School RevueMusic at the Barn 2017Sunday, May 21, 20175:30pm – 7:00pm
Spirit Tasting 2017ScotchSaturday, April 22, 20177:30pm – 11:00pm
Memories of World War 2Exhibit Event SeriesJanuary 26, 2017 - March 26, 2017Various Times
Santa Visit 2016Photos with SantaSunday, December 18, 20162:00pm – 4:00pm
Oktoberfest2016September 24, 20161:00pm – 5:00pm
Chris CooganMusic at the Barn 2016Sunday, August 28, 20165:30pm – 7:00pm
Kenn Morr BandMusic at the Barn 2016Sunday, July 17, 20165:30pm – 7:00pm
P.J. PacificoMusic at the Barn 2016Sunday, June 12, 20165:30pm – 7:00pm
Suzanne SheridanMusic at the Barn 2016Sunday, May 15, 20165:30pm – 7:00pm
Spirit Tasting 2016TequilaMarch 12, 20167:30pm – 11:00pm
Oktoberfest2015October 17, 20151:00pm – 5:00pm
Civil War Encampment2015Saturday, September 26, 201510:00am – 3:00pm
P.J. PacificoMusic at the Barn 2015Sunday, July 26, 20155:30pm – 7:00pm
The Great Letterboxing History HuntMay 15, 2015 – May 31, 20153:00pm – 4:00pm
Spirit Tasting 2015Whiskey in the WinterSaturday, January 31, 20157:30pm – 11:00pm
Santa Visit 2014Photos with SantaSunday, December 21, 20141:00pm – 4:00pm
The Great Letterboxing History HuntMay 3, 2014 – May 18, 20144:00pm – 5:00pm
Meet John AdamsSunday, April 28, 2014
Meet Ben FranklinMarch 19, 2014
Civil War Encampment2013Saturday, September 28, 201310:00am – 3:00pm